What exactly does brAIn do?
Very simply said, brAIn charges when there is a surplus of energy available at lower rates in the power grid and uses the accumulated energy during peak hours, when the energy is most costly. Besides the financial effect this solution helps to stabilize the entire energy distribution system which, until now, was a service only provided by heat and power plants. The innovative approach and implementation of the smart technology brAIn by FUERGY offers the same service but more cost-effective, greener and faster. To sum up, it allows electricity suppliers to lower energy costs, reduce fossil fuel usage and brings positive financial effects to all participants on the Slovak transmission grid.
Modern energy management
G&E Trading a.s. is an energy supplier who is among the first companies in Slovakia entering the era of the modern energy industry with us. The company was founded in 2016 and since then has been focusing on the newest electricity market trends, especially battery storage solutions. While G&E Trading a.s. covered the expenses of the installation, PPA Power DS s.r.o., the administrator of the local distribution grid in the industrial park in Senec, became a partner of the project. Last but not least, the headquarters and warehouse of the company called Gebrüder Weiss s.r.o. was where the battery storage was placed, installed and plugged in.
Charging & discharging mechanisms are just a part of the solution
In comparison to other energy accumulation options, brAIn by FUERGY comes with smarter and fully autonomous solutions. This smart software learns about the energetic habits of a delivery place, analyzes data from external systems and evaluates multiple prediction inputs. Based on the results, it manages the charging and discharging process and even the operation of a local energy source, e.g. PV panels. Moreover, thanks to the IoT functionality, brAIn can regulate energy-intensive devices in the premises in order to keep them fully functional and economically beneficial, as well. In conclusion, the system also provides protection in case of power outages, helps to avoid reserved capacity violation and lowers the amount of reactive power and reserved capacity needed.
First step towards energy transformation
It can all sound pretty exciting, but the smart battery itself is just the first step towards transforming and modernizing electricity. However, brAIn by FUERGY devices go even further. As it is possible to virtually connect all the installed devices, the achieved cumulative effect can have an even bigger impact on the power grid. With this approach, even the most ambitious green energy targets of the European Union can be accomplished in the upcoming years without any threats or financial losses.
Are you ready to be part of the renewable energy revolution and take your energy independence to the next level? Contact us today! Our experts are here to help you find a tailor-made solution to your needs.
So, let's do this together!
New dimension of energy optimization