You may not be aware, but new green technology subsidy schemes for medium and large companies will be launched soon. However, it can be quite difficult to get accurate information on the programs currently available as well as practical tips on how to be a successful applicant. Companies usually have to learn through their own experience, and also often pay for their lack of knowledge in this field, with investments failing to reach full potential.

Oversized and overpriced photovoltaics, unreliable technologies, the purchase of battery storage without energy management, insufficient documentation when applying for subsidies... This is just a short list of all the pitfalls that await companies considering this type of investment.
We decided to make it easier for companies and invited experts from a variety of fields related to green technologies and subsidies to the stage. Not only was all the current news and opportunities from this rapidly developing environment presented, but also the most common problems faced by companies today. They also offered solutions on how to avoid the mentioned problems.

Our goal was clear – to show that with the right choice and combination of technologies, no one has to overpay for anything unnecessarily, and investments will bring maximum benefits to companies. Not only economically, but also ecologically.
What did the program look like and who were the speakers?
1st block: How to choose green technologies – solar panels and battery storage
Vladimír Miškovský, FUERGY,
Jozef Bódi, Energovision – supplier of photovoltaics.
The willingness of large companies to innovate is only the first step in improving their position in the market. Companies must decide which technologies in the field of photovoltaics and battery storage to direct resources to.

2nd block: The way out of the subsidy maze
Andrea Pancotti, Slovenské elektrárne – energetické služby, s.r.o. – energy supplier,
Michal Hort, EOSNEBOTRA – consulting company in the field of European funds for companies.
After completing any project, it is necessary to ensure financing. In the current economic situation, however, it is difficult for medium and large enterprises to allocate sufficient resources for innovation. Even though subsidies are often associated with too many bureaucratic obligations and uncertain results, experts warn that companies are depriving themselves of a competitive advantage. They will lose the opportunity to draw on the multi-billion dollar budget that the European Union has set aside for this purpose.

3rd block: Practical questions and answers
At the end, we addressed a number of questions directly from the audience.
The program was led by the wonderful host Kamila Oláhová from TREND magazine, under whose auspices the entire event took place.
As we already mentioned in the introduction, we also have a solution for those who did not attend the breakfast: a video recording of the entire event.

In conclusion, we would like to highlight the fact that the capacity of the event was filled at a record pace! This only confirms the huge interest in this topic. We believe that we have helped and will continue to help companies navigate this complex issue. Thanks to the information discussed at the breakfast, enterprises are more likely to become successful applicants for subsidies, or satisfied users of photovoltaics or the smart battery storage brAIn for rent.
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