Solar panels are only the first step towards savings
Solar panels are an integral part of the transition to sustainable and renewable energy.
They bring several advantages, such as a reduction of energy costs, a higher degree of self-sufficiency, minimal maintenance, high reliability and, of course, consideration for the environment.
However, it is also necessary to take into account your company’s electricity consumption when planning a solar panel installation. The most economical way of using solar panels is always self-consumption of the generated green energy. Therefore, it is not true that the bigger the solar power plant, the more you will earn from the sale of unused energy.
As more and more solar panel power plants get connected to the power grid, a heavy burden on the grid increases, and a company may even have to pay for the sale of solar surpluses. This occurs when there is a surplus of electricity in the power grid and it is necessary to alleviate the excess by activating ancillary services.
How to get the energy supplier to pay you and not the other way around?
Battery storage is an effective way to ensure maximum use of the energy produced by solar panels.
The smart battery storage brAIn can not only store produced energy and release it at the appropriate time, but also work efficiently with the remaining storage capacity.
How is the brAIn smart battery storage different from a regular battery?
It has sophisticated energy management software and is connected to the electricity supplier.
It monitors, analyzes and predicts the development of multiple data, such as the development of electricity prices, current energy consumption or production at a given company, the situation in the power grid or even the weather forecasts.
Batteries are charged and discharged not only according to the needs of the company, but also whether there is a surplus or shortage in the power grid. In this way, your firm helps to stabilize the power grid and receives a financial reward for balancing the so-called system deviations.
The energy management system regulates a company's energy consumption as economically as possible, in order to generate the best possible profit. If the storage is paired with solar panels, it can maximize the use of green energy.
The payback period for battery systems is getting shorter and shorter
The brAIn battery storage has a number of economic, ecological and technological advantages. Despite this, many companies are hesitant to install battery systems due to preconceived notions.
The most common myth is the battery payback period. It used to be at the level of its lifespan, which is roughly 10 to 15 years. Since then, however, not only the performance of batteries has changed, but also their affordability.
Is there cause for concern here? In the event that the battery system is neither oversized nor undersized, the return on investment for a large-capacity brAIn storage can be as short as 30 months.
Of course, every solution is unique and tailored for the specific needs of each company. Nevertheless, here is an example for illustration. Solar panels with an installed capacity of 500 kWp and the smart battery storage brAIn by FUERGY with a capacity of 432 kWh would cost a total of 835,000 euros. The annual profit for this investment would be 210,000 euros, while the cost of the entire system, including its installation, would be paid back in less than four years. After that, your company is generating net profit.

Description: Example of an estimated return for a solar power plant with the battery storage brAIn by FUERGY.
Subsidies and a special service will help you save on costs
The good news for businesses is that the payback period for battery systems can also be much shorter thanks to subsidies to support the construction of new green facilities. Just use the current one prompt. This refers to the installation of a separate solar power plant with an installed capacity from 0.5 MWp or solar panels in combination with a battery storage with minimum capacity of 0.1 MWh. The call requires implementation by March 31, 2026.
Thanks to subsidies, companies can reduce their investment in solar panels or battery storage by up to 45 percent, saving up to thousands to tens of thousands of euros, and the investment will pay off almost twice as fast.
There is also an alternative: special services. Higher procurement costs are a frequent obstacle when deciding to add battery storage. One of solution is the Energy as a service model, which offers solar panels for leasing or battery storage for rent. The advantage of this service is not only zero initial investment costs and energy cost savings, but also a number of advantages associated with the operation of physical storage.
The key to savings and profit is a tailor-made solution
We are aware that the field of energy is unique and the energy conditions of each customer are never the same. However, at FUERGY we know what we are doing, which can be seen in the number of satisfied customers from a variety of industries using our tailor-made solutions.
Do you want to know if you meet the requirements of the call for the construction of new renewable energy sources? Or are you just interested in which green technologies are most suitable for your company? Do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to propose such a tailor-made solution for you as well.
New dimension of energy optimization